City Beat, Detroit

United Cedars Foundation host Lebanese-Hawaiian Picnic


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(SHELBY TOWNSHIP, MI) — 300 people attended the United Cedars Foundation (UCF) Annual Summer Picnic at Stony Creek Metropark in Shelby Township on Sunday.


The group hosted what they called the “Lebanese Hawaiian Picnic for Charity.”

“We took the opportunity to do something a little different in the Lebanese community,” said Walid Korkmaz, president of the United Cedars Foundation.

Tom Sokol and his family wore Hawaiian attire to the picnic, something he said his kids “(looked) forward to.”

“They make it fun. They make it different. How many times do you see Lebanese in Hawaiian outfits?”

Sokol says he feels welcomed at UCF fundraisers and events because “political sects,” which often divide Lebanese communities, are “left out of the group.”

“I belong to many organizations in Metro Detroit and I feel that this is the first organization to represent all Lebanese — from Zahle to Tebnine, Zgharta to Achrafieh. I really feel this club encompasses everybody and focuses on what’s important — charity,” said Sokol.

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